therapy for anxiety & relationship issues

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina • In-person • Online

You’ve read the books (or at least added them to your Amazon cart), watched most of the TikTok videos and maybe even a YouTube here and there. There are so many podcasts to explore. Still, nothing has changed, and you still feel stuck. Unable to tease out motivation or any forward momentum. 

I can handle it, you say. Or at least, I should be able to handle it. Do I really need to meet with a therapist? I mean, most days are okay, but when they’re not, it’s hard to keep it together. Has it really gotten that bad? 

You don’t need to have a clinical issue to see a therapist.” I pipe in, “Don’t worry, I don’t read minds. You were thinking out loud.

become the person you want to be

What’s your story, I ask. You know, the one you keep telling yourself over and over. The one you believe so wholeheartedly it’s no longer a story but your truth? (I apologize; sometimes, I lead with big questions.)

Is it the one that you feel so compelled to say yes to everything because you’re worried you’ll hurt someone’s feelings if you say no? However, want to scream at the thought of saying yes when you don’t have the physical or emotional energy? 

Or is it the one where you tell yourself that you’ll be considered too much or outrageous for expressing your wants and needs? And now you might be wondering what are my wants and needs. 

Or is it the one where you can’t even imagine living in your greatest hope because the steps there are too complicated or overwhelming, leading you to talk yourself out of nearly every forward motion?

Although I applaud your creativity, I can see that going in circles has left you exhausted and frustrated. 

Meet the team

Imagine waking up in the morning without your anxiety, overthinking, or worrying sidekick. You yawn, stretch, and start your day, taking one intentional step at a time toward trusting yourself and your abilities. And when an unhelpful thought pops up, because it will, you’re able to acknowledge it while continuing to move toward your best hopes.

Difficult to imagine. We can help!

Iris Calhoun Stevens, LPC-A

Children, Teens, & Families

Sheila Tucker, LMFT, NATC, Founder

Adults & Couples


Offering in-person or online appointments.

Whether you prefer to meet your therapist in person or online, we’ve got you covered.

Areas of Expertise

Ready to schedule a consultation?

Here’s what you can expect.


I’m not a fan of phone tag, and I bet you aren’t either. Go to our calendar and pick a date and time that works best for you. Then, be on the lookout for an email with a pre-call questionnaire to complete. If everything looks like a match on your end, then please accept the appointment confirmation. You’ll receive it 24 hours before your appointment. Click Y to accept or N if you want to cancel when your appointment reminder alerts you.

First Appointment

If, after your consultation, you want to work together, then we’ll schedule a first appointment. During this time, we’ll review the therapy process, talk about your history, how and where your challenges are showing up, and what changes you’d like to make. You’ll also get to answer my favorite question. What will be the first thing you notice about yourself that alerts you that therapy is working?

Weekly Sessions

In the first few sessions, we’ll continue to get to know one another and cement the fact that we’re a good match. We’ll also start moving from the big picture (or all of the little pictures) to a more focused and specific one. This will allow us to work on one story at a time instead of tackling the entire novel in one sitting.

Click here if you have questions or prefer to have a live person schedule your appointment.

Click here to go straight to our calendar. You can pick a day and time that works best for you.

5 effective coping skills to manage your…











anxiety 〰️ overthinking 〰️ worry 〰️ stress 〰️ overwhelm 〰️

Want to manage your anxiety, overthinking, worry, and stress…and start doing it today?

Download this FREE guide to learn 5 effective coping skills.

Disclaimer: Although you’re likely to experience a moment of peace, this infographic is not a substitute for therapy and will not magically erase all of your anxiety, overwhelm, worry, and stress.

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