Be Kind to Your Mind: The Practice of Self-Compassion

Be Kind to Your Mind: The Practice of Self-Compassion

Self-compassion seems to be one of those words where you nod, thinking, "Yep, I know what that word means." However, have more of a deer in the headlight look when you're actually asked to do it.

Suddenly, it becomes a nebulous concept, void of a tangible description. Let me shed some light.

Psychologist Dr. Kristin Neff, the leading expert on self-compassion, describes it as "the process of turning compassion inward."

She goes on to say, "We're kind and understanding rather than harshly self-critical when we fail, make mistakes, or feel inadequate. We give ourselves support and encouragement rather than being cold or judgmental when challenges and difficulties arise in our lives."

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The Tug-of-War Between Change and Staying the Same
change, Goals Sheila Tucker change, Goals Sheila Tucker

The Tug-of-War Between Change and Staying the Same

You’re not the boss of me,” I mumbled under my breath, not wanting to do the thing I told myself I should do. Truth be told, I also utter this phrase when I know I want to change something about myself or my situation, but I don’t.

Or I do, but it’s incredibly short-lived. The difference between me and the 5-year-old is that he does the thing.

It’s a lot like New Year’s resolutions. You resolve to drink more water, go to the gym, eat better, or have date nights with your partner. But you’re running at full speed ahead, and until you’re not, you find yourself returning to your old habits.

Or, in therapy, there’s something that you want to do differently. You want to decrease your anxiety or communicate better with your partner. Only the progress feels slow, or the old habits creep back in, and before long, you feel stuck.

One thing I know that’s true about resolutions, whether therapeutic or New Year: They require some sort of change.

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Why I Ditched New Year’s Resolutions and What I Do Instead
Sheila Tucker Sheila Tucker

Why I Ditched New Year’s Resolutions and What I Do Instead

I have an aversion to New Year’s Resolutions. 

I don’t like them. I don’t set them. 

It typically leads to a confused face and questions.

One year I spent New Year’s with a small group of friends. We decided on an at home hang. Honestly, the food rivaled any restaurant in the area. A fire was burning in the fireplace, and per usual, Dick Clark’s Rock’n Eve was playing in the background.  

But mostly there was a lot of spirited conversations. 

Then the topic turned to resolutions. 

I cringed. 

Apparently, it was noticeable. 

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Fear & A Misquoted  Lyric
Sheila Tucker Sheila Tucker

Fear & A Misquoted Lyric

Fearing the unknown is a real thing. It can lead you to become stuck, avoid change, and spiral into anxiety or depression.

So, what can you do if you find yourself in this place?

Keep reading to find out.

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If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.&nbsp;</span>
anxiety relief, Strengths, stress relief Sheila Tucker anxiety relief, Strengths, stress relief Sheila Tucker

If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. 

The interesting thing here is that only you know what’s helpful for you. And what’s helpful for you may not be helpful for me. This tends to throw many people for a loop. You see, most of us are constantly seeking outside validation. “If they’re doing it this way and it works for them, then I need to do it too. And if I don’t? Well, then clearly, I’m not doing it the right way.” You’re not alone. I do it, too. It, uh, takes one to know one. 

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Rewriting your inner script: the stories we tell ourselves
anxiety relief, anxiety, Mindfulness, inner critic Sheila Tucker anxiety relief, anxiety, Mindfulness, inner critic Sheila Tucker

Rewriting your inner script: the stories we tell ourselves

I have a running dialogue inside my head most of the time. I tell myself stories about everything. Sometimes, it's a creative endeavor that I sink into, but mostly, the stories are about myself and my experiences. I talk to my clients a lot about the stories they tell themselves. If they get still and quiet for a moment, what do they notice they're saying to themselves or about themselves? What do they observe?

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Celebrating Small Wins
Sheila Tucker Sheila Tucker

Celebrating Small Wins

It’s super easy for me to remember all of the times I messed up or said something that made me cringe when I thought back on it.

But taking stock of the times things went well…well, that just falls by the wayside and is swept away like it’s trash being cleared by my mental street sweeper.

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Rested, Rooted, &amp; Restored: It’s Retreat Time

Rested, Rooted, & Restored: It’s Retreat Time

Interrupting my usual musings to let you know I’m co-hosting a mini-retreat at Jiva Yoga Center. If you’re in the Hilton Head Island, South Carolina area, you’re invited to say goodbye (for now) to your to-do list, soak up relaxation and calm your nervous system. In only 90 minutes you’ll feel rested, rooted, and restored.

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When Mother’s Day isn’t a Celebration

When Mother’s Day isn’t a Celebration

Navigating the complex emotions that get stirred up on Mother’s Day. Not everyone has a Happy Mother’s Day. So what do you do if you’re a woman who’s always wanted to be a mom but isn’t, have lost a child, are estranged from your mother, or have experienced the death of your mother? For starters, be gentle with yourself.

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Engine Lights &amp; Self-Care
self care, Self compassion, stress relief Sheila Tucker self care, Self compassion, stress relief Sheila Tucker

Engine Lights & Self-Care

There’s nothing like it: a sunny, almost cloudless sky, nearly zero humidity, the wind gently blowing through my hair, and me putting on a sold-out concert in my car.


It shown brightly on an otherwise dark dashboard. My check engine light was on…again—the second time in a week. The bright orange engine indicator was all a glow.


Like my car, I, too, need a tune-up. Being true to form, I typically ignore the signs. Pretending it doesn’t exist. (Hand over eyes…la la la.)

This time, I’m tuning in. Here’s what I’m doing this time.

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The Power of the Pause
Sheila Tucker Sheila Tucker

The Power of the Pause

I’m sure the idea of a pause sounds like a great idea. But that’s for other people, you say. The ones who have it all figured out and have somehow crafted or manifested this time. And also highly unlikely it will happen.

In our fast-paced world, the art of pausing has become an increasingly elusive skill. The relentless pursuit of productivity, the constant bombardment of information, and the stories you tell yourself about all of it make it challenging to embrace the quiet moments that can lead to profound personal growth.

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Loving Yourself Like Your Pet Loves You
Sheila Tucker Sheila Tucker

Loving Yourself Like Your Pet Loves You

Have you ever met someone that melts your heart immediately and leaves you feeling relaxed just in their presence? What if that someone was you?

Okay, I sense an eyeroll moment. Or perhaps, I’m projecting because when I first considered this as a possibility, I may have scoffed and rolled my eyes too.

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Holiday Headaches
Sheila Tucker Sheila Tucker

Holiday Headaches

…the American Psychological Association reports a 38 percent increase in stress during the holiday season among the people surveyed. Honestly, I’m shocked the percentage isn’t higher. It’s a whole lot of juggling for the jingle. And it’s one of the reasons I boycotted the holidays one year.

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Festive Family Feuds: A Survival Guide
Holiday Stress, Family Stress, Communication Sheila Tucker Holiday Stress, Family Stress, Communication Sheila Tucker

Festive Family Feuds: A Survival Guide

Instead of retelling another story about the how-tos of gratitude, let’s dive into those festive family feuds that flare up around the holidays. You know, the ones that can start with a simple disapproving look or a phrase known to stoke the flames of a disagreement. I’ve found that most of these comments usually remind us of how we’re not measuring up, and many are passive-aggressive.

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Life with a little less pressure
Sheila Tucker Sheila Tucker

Life with a little less pressure

Bowie thought to write a whole song about it, only to later have Vanilla Ice use its iconic melodic hook. What am I talking about? Pressure. More importantly, we wear it like a badge of honor and self-worth. Or, in some cases, we have no idea the weight we’re carrying. What if we could live with just a tad less pressure in our lives?

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