Cock-a-Doodle-Doom: What Roosters Teach Us About Anxiety
I learned on vacation that my nervous system's response to anxiety is not much unlike Richard the roosters. Well, sans the hoping into a tree. Here are three unconventional ways to help calm your nervous system that don't include perching on a limb or cock-a-doodle-doing.
Just Snap Out Of It!
Oh, just snap out of it. Yeah right! That phrase has worked how many times? Probably never. Well, not until now.
3 Ways to Calm Your Anxious Mind
So here it is. Your mind will always think. Constantly. All. Of. The. Time. You can’t stop your mind from thinking. That’s what minds do. It means you’re alive. Oh, and those thoughts you’ve labeled as negative…you can’t stop those either.