Be Kind to Your Mind: The Practice of Self-Compassion

Be Kind to Your Mind: The Practice of Self-Compassion

Self-compassion seems to be one of those words where you nod, thinking, "Yep, I know what that word means." However, have more of a deer in the headlight look when you're actually asked to do it.

Suddenly, it becomes a nebulous concept, void of a tangible description. Let me shed some light.

Psychologist Dr. Kristin Neff, the leading expert on self-compassion, describes it as "the process of turning compassion inward."

She goes on to say, "We're kind and understanding rather than harshly self-critical when we fail, make mistakes, or feel inadequate. We give ourselves support and encouragement rather than being cold or judgmental when challenges and difficulties arise in our lives."

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If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.&nbsp;</span>
anxiety relief, Strengths, stress relief Sheila Tucker anxiety relief, Strengths, stress relief Sheila Tucker

If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. 

The interesting thing here is that only you know what’s helpful for you. And what’s helpful for you may not be helpful for me. This tends to throw many people for a loop. You see, most of us are constantly seeking outside validation. “If they’re doing it this way and it works for them, then I need to do it too. And if I don’t? Well, then clearly, I’m not doing it the right way.” You’re not alone. I do it, too. It, uh, takes one to know one. 

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Rewriting your inner script: the stories we tell ourselves
anxiety relief, anxiety, Mindfulness, inner critic Sheila Tucker anxiety relief, anxiety, Mindfulness, inner critic Sheila Tucker

Rewriting your inner script: the stories we tell ourselves

I have a running dialogue inside my head most of the time. I tell myself stories about everything. Sometimes, it's a creative endeavor that I sink into, but mostly, the stories are about myself and my experiences. I talk to my clients a lot about the stories they tell themselves. If they get still and quiet for a moment, what do they notice they're saying to themselves or about themselves? What do they observe?

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Rested, Rooted, &amp; Restored: It’s Retreat Time

Rested, Rooted, & Restored: It’s Retreat Time

Interrupting my usual musings to let you know I’m co-hosting a mini-retreat at Jiva Yoga Center. If you’re in the Hilton Head Island, South Carolina area, you’re invited to say goodbye (for now) to your to-do list, soak up relaxation and calm your nervous system. In only 90 minutes you’ll feel rested, rooted, and restored.

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Coloring to Reduce Stress

Coloring to Reduce Stress

Researchers – yes, that’s right…this topic has been researched – have discovered that the act of coloring can relieve stress. Coloring activates the part of the brain that stimulates creativity, as well as relaxes the part of the brain responsible for emotions and survival instincts. Hello, reduced anxiety and stress!

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Simple ways to include self-care in your daily routine

Simple ways to include self-care in your daily routine

I mean, think about it: when we’re stressed, almost everything can seem complicated and like a chore. By reducing that weight by just an ounce, we’re setting ourselves up for more favorable returns. But what is self-care? I loosely describe it as an intentional way to meet our mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical needs. That sounds good, right?

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