Just Snap Out Of It!
Oh, just snap out of it. Yeah right! That phrase has worked how many times? Probably never. Well, not until now.
Rested, Rooted, & Restored: It’s Retreat Time
Interrupting my usual musings to let you know I’m co-hosting a mini-retreat at Jiva Yoga Center. If you’re in the Hilton Head Island, South Carolina area, you’re invited to say goodbye (for now) to your to-do list, soak up relaxation and calm your nervous system. In only 90 minutes you’ll feel rested, rooted, and restored.
Get Out of Your Way
The unfortunate truth is that it's me getting in my own way. And I can also move my speed bump of a body out of the way.
Self-care spikes my anxiety (sometimes)
Somewhere, I learned the message that I don’t deserve to have this time for myself. And I know all of the benefits of practicing self-care! My time is to be spent making sure the needs of others are met and fulfilling unrealistic expectations I have for myself.
Simple Mindfulness Exercises To Ease Overwhelm
Overwhelm, it happens. Let’s face it: as the holidays approach, schedules will become more packed, and the chances of being overwhelmed will increase. But how can we move through life with more peace even while there’s chaos in the background? Below are a few simple mindfulness exercises to help ease overwhelm.
Perfecting the Holidays
It gets easier to give up because why even try if you don't think you can measure up? There's some fantasy we all have that our families will somehow morph into a Hallmark movie, where there's a kumbaya moment that forever changes our interactions.
3 Ways to Navigate the Holidays if You’re an Introvert
Being an introvert at this time of year can be tricky, especially with the expectations, events, shopping, and family gatherings. First, let me dispel some myths about introversion—many introverts like people and socializing. Really...we do. The difference is that we get overwhelmed or exhausted if we have to be “on” for a long time. If you’re also a compassionate person, go ahead and multiply that by at least two.
Diving Off The High Dive
You don't realize how high up you really are until your toes are gripping the edge of the board. As you're staring at the tops of the trees, the pool seems so far away. This seemingly simple measure of fun and excitement now takes on a feeling of fear with your heart in your throat. The reality, it only takes one small step to hurl yourself into the deep end. And yet, you're frozen. Too frightened to move forward and equally afraid to admit defeat. What do you do?