Rested, Rooted, & Restored: It’s Retreat Time
Interrupting my usual musings to let you know I’m co-hosting a mini-retreat at Jiva Yoga Center. If you’re in the Hilton Head Island, South Carolina area, you’re invited to say goodbye (for now) to your to-do list, soak up relaxation and calm your nervous system. In only 90 minutes you’ll feel rested, rooted, and restored.
Tumblers, Toes, and Time Off: Resetting During Compassion Fatigue
Enduring Compassion Fatigue taught me (yet again) not to just preach Self-Care but practice it. But it also taught me the best method, which is to totally DISCONNECT.
Engine Lights & Self-Care
There’s nothing like it: a sunny, almost cloudless sky, nearly zero humidity, the wind gently blowing through my hair, and me putting on a sold-out concert in my car.
It shown brightly on an otherwise dark dashboard. My check engine light was on…again—the second time in a week. The bright orange engine indicator was all a glow.
Like my car, I, too, need a tune-up. Being true to form, I typically ignore the signs. Pretending it doesn’t exist. (Hand over eyes…la la la.)
This time, I’m tuning in. Here’s what I’m doing this time.
3 Ways to Navigate the Holidays if You’re an Introvert
Being an introvert at this time of year can be tricky, especially with the expectations, events, shopping, and family gatherings. First, let me dispel some myths about introversion—many introverts like people and socializing. Really...we do. The difference is that we get overwhelmed or exhausted if we have to be “on” for a long time. If you’re also a compassionate person, go ahead and multiply that by at least two.
Letting Go - Like Autumn Leaves
Letting go isn’t only restricted to leaves in the Fall. From time to time, we notice that we’re holding onto beliefs, ideas, and thoughts that no longer serve us. When is it time to let go? How do you even go about letting go? Don’t worry; I’ve got you covered.
Simple ways to include self-care in your daily routine
I mean, think about it: when we’re stressed, almost everything can seem complicated and like a chore. By reducing that weight by just an ounce, we’re setting ourselves up for more favorable returns. But what is self-care? I loosely describe it as an intentional way to meet our mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical needs. That sounds good, right?