Celebrating Small Wins
It’s super easy for me to remember all of the times I messed up or said something that made me cringe when I thought back on it.
But taking stock of the times things went well…well, that just falls by the wayside and is swept away like it’s trash being cleared by my mental street sweeper.
Tumblers, Toes, and Time Off: Resetting During Compassion Fatigue
Enduring Compassion Fatigue taught me (yet again) not to just preach Self-Care but practice it. But it also taught me the best method, which is to totally DISCONNECT.
Engine Lights & Self-Care
There’s nothing like it: a sunny, almost cloudless sky, nearly zero humidity, the wind gently blowing through my hair, and me putting on a sold-out concert in my car.
It shown brightly on an otherwise dark dashboard. My check engine light was on…again—the second time in a week. The bright orange engine indicator was all a glow.
Like my car, I, too, need a tune-up. Being true to form, I typically ignore the signs. Pretending it doesn’t exist. (Hand over eyes…la la la.)
This time, I’m tuning in. Here’s what I’m doing this time.
The Power of the Pause
I’m sure the idea of a pause sounds like a great idea. But that’s for other people, you say. The ones who have it all figured out and have somehow crafted or manifested this time. And also highly unlikely it will happen.
In our fast-paced world, the art of pausing has become an increasingly elusive skill. The relentless pursuit of productivity, the constant bombardment of information, and the stories you tell yourself about all of it make it challenging to embrace the quiet moments that can lead to profound personal growth.
Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19
Because I'm a therapist and a curious person, I'm continually asking the people I speak with how they're feeling during this time. Resentment, loneliness, anxiety, depression, fear, and overwhelm are just a few of the feelings that I've come across in my conversations with others. I've also realized, albeit necessary, that there’s a lot of talk about physical health, like washing hands and wearing a mask. At the same time, there's hardly any information about mental health. To support you and your mental health, I've compiled a list of ways to assist you in remaining active and responding to your mental health needs.
Online Therapy: Discussing Hesitancy
The coronavirus has caught many people off guard - therapists and clients alike. I’ll be the first to admit that I LOVE connecting with clients face-to-face. I’ve also had excellent experiences with strictly online clients. Nonetheless, the sudden shift from the known to the unknown can be unsettling. The thought of learning something new while juggling working from home, being out of work, homeschooling kids, or all of the above might seem overwhelming.
Creating Stability During COVID-19
These are uncertain and surreal times. And now, more than ever, we need each other. This is our time to step up and practice compassion for ourselves and others. It’s also important to point out that uncertainty usually brings up a lot of feelings. It’s ok to feel them all. You have permission to feel shitty, relieved, anxious, resentful, angry, joyful, confused...whatever you’re feeling.
Anxiety Sucks
Amid high anxiety, it’s hard to hear that “you hold all the answers” and other flowery BS. Intellectually, we get that. But right now, when our mind is jumbled, and we’re unable to make sense of life in general…we need help. We don’t know what we need and, therefore, don’t know how to ask.
Self-care spikes my anxiety (sometimes)
Somewhere, I learned the message that I don’t deserve to have this time for myself. And I know all of the benefits of practicing self-care! My time is to be spent making sure the needs of others are met and fulfilling unrealistic expectations I have for myself.
Perfecting the Holidays
It gets easier to give up because why even try if you don't think you can measure up? There's some fantasy we all have that our families will somehow morph into a Hallmark movie, where there's a kumbaya moment that forever changes our interactions.
3 Ways to Navigate the Holidays if You’re an Introvert
Being an introvert at this time of year can be tricky, especially with the expectations, events, shopping, and family gatherings. First, let me dispel some myths about introversion—many introverts like people and socializing. Really...we do. The difference is that we get overwhelmed or exhausted if we have to be “on” for a long time. If you’re also a compassionate person, go ahead and multiply that by at least two.
Diving Off The High Dive
You don't realize how high up you really are until your toes are gripping the edge of the board. As you're staring at the tops of the trees, the pool seems so far away. This seemingly simple measure of fun and excitement now takes on a feeling of fear with your heart in your throat. The reality, it only takes one small step to hurl yourself into the deep end. And yet, you're frozen. Too frightened to move forward and equally afraid to admit defeat. What do you do?
3 Common Myths About Meditation Debunked
Meditation. It's a popular buzz word that often gets tossed around a lot. And although it may seem a bit mainstream, there remain a lot of questions and myths around meditation. Like what is it exactly, and am I doing it wrong? I was too afraid to ask the same questions when I first began meditating years ago. So, let’s clear up three common myths about meditation.
Rest and Play: It’s not just for children
All of the cool kids are doing it. Play and rest, that is.
Letting Go - Like Autumn Leaves
Letting go isn’t only restricted to leaves in the Fall. From time to time, we notice that we’re holding onto beliefs, ideas, and thoughts that no longer serve us. When is it time to let go? How do you even go about letting go? Don’t worry; I’ve got you covered.
Coloring to Reduce Stress
Researchers – yes, that’s right…this topic has been researched – have discovered that the act of coloring can relieve stress. Coloring activates the part of the brain that stimulates creativity, as well as relaxes the part of the brain responsible for emotions and survival instincts. Hello, reduced anxiety and stress!
Simple ways to include self-care in your daily routine
I mean, think about it: when we’re stressed, almost everything can seem complicated and like a chore. By reducing that weight by just an ounce, we’re setting ourselves up for more favorable returns. But what is self-care? I loosely describe it as an intentional way to meet our mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical needs. That sounds good, right?
Stretching the Body and Mind
Do I work through the discomfort? Do I welcome the negative voices, knowing they only want to keep me from harm, not from accomplishment? Or do I buy into the moment’s uncomfortableness and believe the negative chatter or stop moving forward? What about you? Do you work through the discomfort?